Masterclass: Measuring Behavioral Change in Coaching

Executives don’t buy coaching. They buy results.

The challenge is that most coaches and trainers don’t measure the impact of their coaching engagements, so they can’t prove their coaching is actually making a difference. They rely too heavily on coach satisfaction surveys and other methods that only measure reaction and not change.

Measuring Behavioral Change in Coaching - Masterclass

In this fun and engaging masterclass, Sal Silvester, co-author (with Marshall Goldsmith) of Stakeholder Centered Coaching - Maximizing Your Impact as a Coach, not only offers a mandate for measuring behavioral change in leadership development and coaching programs, but also offers practical tools and tips that enable coaches, trainers and organizational development leaders to measure change in their programs. If you believe that more effective leadership results in better business outcomes and you’d like to better measure your programs, then please join us for this masterclass.

Downloadable Resources

ROI Calculation Form

ROI (return on investment) – the elusive measurement lacking in almost every leadership development and coaching program. Use this form to help your clients understand and report the impact of their changed leadership behavior.

Meeting Observation Checklist

Are you running a team Stakeholder Centered Coaching engagement? If so, you might find yourself observing team dynamics. Here’s a check-list you can use to help document your observations.

Executive Summary

(for executive coaching program sponsors)

Build executive commitment by engaging with your executive sponsors regularly. This executive summary is an example of how to report observations, recommendations and measurement on a monthly basis to your executive coaching program sponsors.

Measuring Behavioral Change in Coaching

This whitepaper will provide you with a summary of some of the key ingredients needed to measure behavior change in coaching. Feel free to share it with your clients and show them how you set yourself apart from other coaches.